Menstrupedia comic book helps parents and educators teach young girls about puberty and menstruation. It's engaging visuals help a girl learn about periods and her changing body all by herself. In fact, your girl will be glued to it till the end! This book is available in English, Hindi and all other Indian languages. Menstrupedia comic is a fun and empowering puberty gift for a girl. The dynamic action-oriented frames and emphasis on facial expressions immediately helps the reader to connect and engage instead of passive reading.
Reviewer: BOFAP55 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - August 22, Subject: Great Book I personally think that it is a great book for 9 year olds and below but not for older girls because it only tells about menstruation and nothing else. How many girls would share a single book? How many years do you intend to use the books?
Cost of educating one girl is. You will educate total. Total cost will be. For Further Assistance Please enter your details, our team will contact you. Phone Number. More than of his titles are selling well in the market, and numerous comic strips are regularly appearing in various newspapers.
Travelling widely over the globe, he delivers lectures at various International Conferences. Indira Gandhi, and is still very popular among children. Why bother getting out of bed when you could stay bundled up with that special someone and a book of cozy, cute comics. From the author of the bestselling Little Moments of Love comes Snug, a collection of comics that perfectly captures the honest, playful, and relatable snapshots of romantic life.
Snug is a celebration of the quirks and peculiarities of every one of us—and the magic that happens when we find our matching puzzle piece.
An epic fantasy based on the ancient Hindu classic finds young Rama, heir to the throne of Ayodhya, called upon by the legendary mage Vishwamitra when two powerful demons raise an army to defeat the human world. Skip to content. Menstrupedia Comic. Menstrupedia Comic Book Review:. The Period Comic. The Period Comic Book Review:. Grassroots Comics. Grassroots Comics Book Review:. Le Chevalier d Eon.
Le Chevalier d Eon Book Review:. Dabung Girl and the Space Journey. Just for Girls. Just for Girls Book Review:. Machine Learning Mastery With Python. Chumki and the Elephants.
Author : Lesley D. Chumki and the Elephants Book Review:. Author : Chris Bobel,Inga T. Digital Activism in Asia Reader. Periods Gone Public. Periods Gone Public Book Review:. HelloFlo The Guide Period. Have You Started Yet. Moongphali Book Review:. The Period Comic An Illustrated book will help girls understand and learn about such changes in their bodies in a fun, easy and intriguing way as they continue to grow, whilst building their self-confidence.
For many girls, puberty can be an uncertain time. Get Grassroots Comics Books now! Only one man can save Paris from chaos and terror? From the Trade Paperback.
An elephant on TV! Her mother who was sitting beside her didn't utter a word- how could she? Ria kept insisting, 'What happened? Is she dead? This comic book is a must-read for every child. A new Indian superhero is here, and this time, it is a female superhero, Dabung Girl.